Michael Balistreri
Michael received his Bachelors of Arts in Film from University of California, Berkeley. After graduation he worked as a production crew manager for a Bay Area film production studio, spending the majority of his time working on site at Google and YouTube. This included an incredible variety of projects, ranging from simply recording internal meetings, to working on in-studio product demonstrations for public viewing, and filming visiting celebrities and dignitaries (including a YouTube interview of President Obama).
Michael joined Frank during the early stages of IMOS, continuing in video production while developing his internet marketing skill-set. Michael’s ability to dive head first into any technical challenges, roadblocks, or new technology is integral to IMOS’ position as an authority on innovation and best practices in the automotive industry. His technical knowledge allowed the company to expand into new service areas and aided in the company’s growth. In addition to providing services to clients, Michael also manages technical staff.
T: 408 5610735
E: michael@imosconsulting.com